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NYSE Arca Equities periodically issues interpretive guidance related to SEC and exchange rules. This guidance includes Information Memoranda, Weekly Bulletins, Rule Adoption Notices, Rule Interpretations, Rule Changes, Education Bulletins, and Regulatory Bulletins.

View NYSE Arca Rules

Latest changes to NYSE Arca Rules

Listing Additional Securities

For a NYSE Arca issuer to list additional securities, it must receive NYSE Arca authorization and file a Supplemental Listing Application ("SLAP"). An NYSE Arca SLAP can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE's fully integrated web application. Additional information about Listing Manager such as FAQs and training videos can be found here. If you have questions or concerns about Listing Manager, please contact us at [email protected] or + 1 212 656 4651.

If unable to make the submission through Listing Manager, as an alternative the NYSE Arca SLAP may be submitted via email to [email protected]. A generic template of the NYSE Arca SLAP form can be found below.

Supplemental Listing Application

Supplemental Listing Application

NYSE Arca Annual Written Affirmation

Exchange Traded Products listed on the Exchange are required to comply with NYSE Arca Rules and, in certain cases, a Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") Order approving its listing on the Exchange. NYSE Regulation monitors ETPs listed on the Exchange to ensure compliance with applicable Exchange rules and applicable SEC approval orders. All ETP issuers are required to complete and submit an annual affirmation to NYSE Regulation by December 31 to ensure that the Exchange has current information about all ETPs listed on the Exchange. The NYSE Arca Annual Written Affirmation can be submitted electronically through Listing Manager, the NYSE's fully integrated web application. Additional information about Listing Manager such as FAQs and training videos can be found here. If you have questions or concerns about Listing Manager, please contact us at [email protected] or +1 212 656 4651. For any additional questions about the annual affirmation process, please contact [email protected].

FAQ on the NYSE Arca Annual Written Affirmation