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The Volume Summary contains a detailed breakdown of NYSE, NYSE American, NYSE Arca, NYSE National, and NYSE Chicago trading activity by share size, number of trades, short sales, odd-lot volume, VWAP, etc. History available for NYSE Volume Summary as of 1 April 2004; History available for NYSE American 1 December 2008; History available for NYSE Arca as of 24 July 2017; and, History available for NYSE Chicago as of 4 November 2019.

The Consolidated Volume Summary of this package provides the total trades, volume, and dollar volume by market center (exchange) in each NYSE-traded issue. History available as of 18 June 2002.

Each Daily Short Volume daily file includes the symbol, short exempt volume, short volume, and total volume of the short sale transactions for NYSE, NYSE American, NYSE Arca, NYSE National, and NYSE Chicago markets. History available for Daily NYSE and NYSE American Short Volume as of 1 August 2009; History available for Daily NYSE Arca as of 29 July 2009; History available for NYSE National as of 21 May 2018; and, History available for NYSE Chicago as of 4 November 2019.